Pre-Apply Now
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Receba apoio
We offer free business support services.
If you need more help completing your pre-application, or if you were not matched with a lender or approved for a loan, business support counselors can help answer questions, identify issues with your application, provide business guidance and credit help, and more.
Preencha a sua pré-candidatura já
Ready To Pre-apply?
Os empréstimos podem ser gastos em:



Serviços públicos e arrendamento

Refinanciamento elegível


Marketing e publicidade

Renovações de edifícios

Outras despesas

Candidate-se já
Processo simplificado de candidatura
Calendários de aprovação rápida das candidaturas
Apoio em múltiplas línguas

Termos de empréstimo
Taxa de juro fixa de 4,5%
Condições de reembolso de 60 meses para empréstimos inferiores a 150.000$; condições de reembolso de 72 meses para empréstimos superiores a 150.000$

Requisitos de elegibilidade
Não devem ter mais de 100 funcionários a tempo inteiro
Devem ter receitas anuais inferiores a 8 milhões de dólares
As empresas e organizações sem fins lucrativos devem ter estado em funcionamento pelo menos 1 ano antes da data da candidatura. Um pequeno montante de financiamento está disponível para empresas em início de atividade
Due to a limited amount of funding availability and the high volume of applications expected, it is anticipated that not all applicants will be able to receive a loan. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will be managed to support the program’s goals. The time it takes to process an application will depend on the volume of applications received by the matched community lender. Please note that submitting an application is not an indication of eligibility and does not mean that a loan will be approved or funded. Additional information will be requested in your application that will determine your eligibility for a loan. We recommend applying as soon as possible. All rates and loan terms may be subject to change. Loans available via this program are business loans only and not loans for personal, family or household purposes.
As part of the Connecticut Small Business Boost Fund loan process, information associated with your funded loan will be submitted to the State of Connecticut. This includes your business name, business location and the dollar amount associated with your loan.